How to prepare a pro Tennis Machine.

Tennis machine is for helping tennis player. It is actually for solo practicing. Solo practicing helps in more concentration. The main mechanism of any tennis machine is on triggering method. Triggering means it throw the ball to the player. Spin shot sports is one of the old players in such cases. Here I am mentioning the history of making Spin shot Sports Tennis Machine . Building the perfect tennis training partner. Chris was the chairman at his local tennis club in Cornwall and worked in computer science. He shared his ideas and aspirations with Jason Jackson, Principle Digital Design Engineer at Motorola, and they agreed they could design and build a tennis ball machine to create the perfect tennis trainer partner. They wanted to build a machine that could create professional tennis drills. Building the first Spinshot Player. The first Spinshot Player machine was built in 1999 and could be programmed with different speed, spin, direction a...